Getting a good paying summer job or teen job is hard work. What do you do if you can't land a job this summer. How about turning to the internet, I don't mean turning to the internet to search for jobs (that is a good idea though,) I mean looking for jobs that are internet based. A simple search on your favorite search engine will yield dozens of online opportunities for teens to make money. A couple of things you need to keep in mind. You have to work hard to find legitimate opportunities. Unfortunately, the internet is filled with scammers, make sure your guard is up. With that being said, here are some suggestions and tips to help teens make money on the internet.

• Writing- If you are a good writer you can make money on the internet. There are many webmasters that will pay for well written content. You can also get payed to write blog posts and even get payed to post comments in other peoples blogs or forums. Try to become active in webmaster forums and offer your services. Make sure to set up a PayPal account, or have your parents set one up, as this is the preferred method to get payed.

• Filling out Surveys- This is very popular on the internet. A lot of survey companies actually seek teens out to fill out their surveys. You usually get paid her survey that you complete. This can be a good way to make money, but be very careful and make sure you are dealing with a reputable company. One way to find out is to Google the company name, if they are a scam you will usually find out when you read through the search results.


Anonymous said... @ January 13, 2009 at 11:19 PM

Its as possible today for teens to make careers out of online jobs.There’s no doubt our economy is in pretty bad shape. This means more and more people, every single day, are looking for legit online jobs.


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